RFID Cost No Longer A Deciding Factor

MoneyIn the past, upfront investment cost has been a deterrent to RFID adoption. But now, with the benefits of RFID data collection more visible and better understood, the upfront cost has become less of a restraint and more of a trusted investment in the company’s future.

Inaccurate or late deliveries and the costs that accompany those mistakes leave your company at a disadvantage. The fees incurred as a result of late deliveries quickly add up and could be the factor that is holding back your company from reaching its highest potential.

There are many ways in which RFID data collection can save your company money, time and labor. Tagged items provide electronic proof of delivery and decrease the time required for inspection. A more automatic and streamlined inspection and inventory process means that all the raw materials delivered to your facility are immediately processed and accounted for.

Another way is by shipping merchandise less often. With RFID data collection, packing and shipping processes become more accurate and reliable. This means that with a more integrated and streamlined supply chain process, you can have a higher level of trust that your product is getting to where it needs to go; resulting is a decreased volume of returns and more satisfied customers. RFID capabilities are helping companies gain visibility into their supply chains, ship less often, and ship more accurately.  Automating the RFID data collection with fixed readers eliminates the human element of scanning the wrong thing or, more commonly, forgetting to scan at all.

Both RFID infrastructure and tag technology have advanced significantly in the past decade.  There are a wide array of proven implementations and that increased volume has translated to much lower cost of deployment.  With lower costs to implement and proven results, RFID should be considered and evaluated by all warehouses and manufacturers.